Sunday, November 27, 2011

cousins meet in DC

Yesterday while standing in line for breakfast, Brian and I ran into Sean and Jessica! They came to DC for Thanksgiving, and we just happened to run into them at the same restaurant. It was so fun to catch up with them and we finally got to meet Jessica, which was great.
Yay for family!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Elder Hansen in Hawaii (part two)

Here are a few more pictures of Elder Hansen in Hawaii. They aren't in any particular order and I wish I knew who the people in them are. We are proud of him and all the good work he is doing. Keep it up Little Luke! Can't wait to see you in two years!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Elder Hansen, WE LOVE YOU!!!

Elder Little Luke sent me his memory card and I have finally gotten them to upload. Since I just got his card, the commentary of what the pictures are, are just my own opinions. Which I am sure you all want to hear. Of course I got them on here in the opposite order, so I guess start at the bottom and go up? Or just know that it is backwards. :) It looks like he is having a great time in a gorgeous place. I'll post more pictures soon!

First sights of Hawaii!
Sean Hansen with Elder Hansen at the MTC.

Tie from Paul Warner

One of the very first pictures he took at the MTC.