How cute is little Jaz? She is getting so grown up! I remember when she was the little baby! She is wearing her Alphabet Crown that she earned when she learned the whole alphabet and graduated from school. Next time you see her, ask her to sing you the song, its pretty much the cutest thing ever!
Saylor May is such a sweet little baby, we had so much fun holding her! I forgot how great tiny babies are! And of course Kim's baby has a diamond studded pacifier! It is so so so cute! Love your babies Kim!
We left the Summer's and went to pick Ali up in Provo. It was such a fun car ride with Kathleen driving and Grammie Doll too! We got to see Ali's darling apt and Reagan and Marilyn too! It is always fun to visit with them!
For Chester's birthday we took him bowling with some of his friends. We had so much fun! I am not the greatest photographer, and I know that my camera was on the wrong setting, but this was such a cute pic of Chester's celebratory move after a good bowl. I think it turned out pretty cute!

Chetty and his cute little friends. They had a really good time together!
How can you not love this little face? I love you Chester Evan!!! xoxox
Cute cute cute!
Sami, thanks for the post and great pics!
What cute pics! Sure love you!
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