We hit some major milestones last month . . . Jamin graduated! (Well, he participated in the graduation ceremonies in anticipation of completing his dissertation in August). He also accepted a job at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC as a visiting professor. After 8 years in Boston, we are Carolina bound!
Eliza turned 6, lost her two front teeth, and is working on kicking her thumb sucking habit--and doing great!
Ashton decided on what to be when he grows up. The conversation went like this:
A: I wanna be Superman when I grow up, not like a dentist. Mom, can I be Superman when I grow up?
me: Hmm, he's pretend, so I don't think so.
A: (with thoughtful determination) I think I can.
Benjamin learned
to walk!
And Kate has been extraordinarily cute!
Congratulations Jamin! Love the pictures. I can't believe Benjamin is walking!
Oh, man! Those kids are too adorable. Congrats to Jamin and NC, thought I do have to say that I'm slightly sad you won't be moving here to Provo. But hooray for new adventures!
Well congrats to you guys!! How exciting!!! And did I mention your FOUR darlings!?!?!? SOOOOOO CUTE. NC???? Still too far away! (but very exciting) Thanks for the update post, It's great to see what's going on with your fam.
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