Sunday, November 27, 2011

cousins meet in DC

Yesterday while standing in line for breakfast, Brian and I ran into Sean and Jessica! They came to DC for Thanksgiving, and we just happened to run into them at the same restaurant. It was so fun to catch up with them and we finally got to meet Jessica, which was great.
Yay for family!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Elder Hansen in Hawaii (part two)

Here are a few more pictures of Elder Hansen in Hawaii. They aren't in any particular order and I wish I knew who the people in them are. We are proud of him and all the good work he is doing. Keep it up Little Luke! Can't wait to see you in two years!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Elder Hansen, WE LOVE YOU!!!

Elder Little Luke sent me his memory card and I have finally gotten them to upload. Since I just got his card, the commentary of what the pictures are, are just my own opinions. Which I am sure you all want to hear. Of course I got them on here in the opposite order, so I guess start at the bottom and go up? Or just know that it is backwards. :) It looks like he is having a great time in a gorgeous place. I'll post more pictures soon!

First sights of Hawaii!
Sean Hansen with Elder Hansen at the MTC.

Tie from Paul Warner

One of the very first pictures he took at the MTC.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Luke's Luau and Farewell

Luke, we are SO proud of you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This One Goes Out to Grammie

I was just talking to Grammie on the phone, and she reminded me that since I haven't posted on any blogs lately, she has no idea what Tessa looks like these days! So in the interest of showing off my adorable kids, here are some recent photos. Tess, by the way, is a dream infant. In her first year, we've taken her to Salt Lake, California, Kansas City, and Barcelona. Hey, have baby will travel. She must be destined to be a world traveler, because she easily adapts to long airplane flights and changing time zones!
Mom and Tess at a train station in Spain.  More Barcelona pictures on my teamlesan blog.
Fast Newport Beach.
Newport Beach temple (Rob and I were there for a friend's wedding).
My favorite picture of Tess in California.  Delightful little child enjoying a restaurant with us.
Here's Matt at the playground a few weeks ago.  Yes, he put his hat that way by himself.

 We've been trying to spend as much time as possible at various pools this summer because, well, what better thing to do in the summer?  Here's a snapshot of Matt last week.
 We also have a water play table on our deck.  It's been a big hit.
Even Tess gets in on the water play table action!

 Ellie at preschool, photographing me while I photograph her.  Precocious.
 Ellie with her preschool teachers.  The ribbon t-shirt is courtesy of Grammie and Pops, straight from one of the numerous Zara stores on Placa Catalunya.  Thanks, Grammie and Pops!

Different day, same shirt:  Ellie at the zoo, bravely petting the goat.  You go, girl!

 Here's Spence holding Tess at Joseph's graduation from law school.  Awww...
Okay, I know he's not MY kiddo exactly, but I had to slip this one in - Owen in Joseph's graduation cap, as we packed up the last remnants of their apartment and loaded them into the Subaru.  Note Jenni's amazing vacuum packs in the background...

Into the sunset.  I snapped this as we walked toward our car on a zoo day.  Sun starting to fade, gorgeous weather, happy kids...doesn't get better than this!

Your turns!  I want to see pictures of everyone else's kids now!  xoxo

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sam's Misson Homecoming



Sam gave a wonderful talk and told stories about his mission... he loves the people in Spain.  He bore his testimony in Spanish, LOVED that.  We had delicious food and caught up with friends and family.
We can't wait to send Luke off next month!
Thank you Sam and Luke (AND Clark and Kathy!) for being great missionary examples to all of us.  Your little cousins look up to you!